About Me☆

Hi, I'm fluffyxs. I'm a 13 year old artist and I'm very interested in video games and art. I am pangender, Sapphic Lesbian and Demiromantic. I have ADHD and I'm bipolar (some disorders) I don't like math and it's obvious why. I'm INFP-T. I like helping my friends, but I don't like it when they don't talk to me about it. 🤬🤬 If you are reading this and need emotional support please dm me. It won't be random, I want to help people and that's what makes me happy. I honestly don't care if you vent to me and it doesn't annoy me at all, if you feel comfortable of course!! You can dm me anytime you want, I want to socialize more with my friends, would be grateful for that!! Thank you.Anywho,I'm quite sensitive in some cases and I can lose control when it's an argument "joke" actually!I love my friends alot, and they're amazing.Favs: A, A , M , H , K , C , C ,V , F ❤I love talking about random topics with people. It's actually so fun! I like talking w/ friends and i love drawing!! Mostly making oc designs and working in teams.I mostly play pony town, Roblox and Crk (Cookie Run Kingdom) with my friends ! I'm a big fan of the games fnaf and omori. I'm an insane homosexual who listens to Mitski and loves attention(Btw i get no bitches sigh)
i go by any prns!

Sexualities ◇

As I said I am Pangender, Demiromantic and A Shappic Lesbian. However many people don't know what a shappic lesbian is! So I'll put here the meaning of each of them!PANGENDER♡Pangender is a multigender non-binary gender identity which refers to a vast and diverse multiplicity of genders in the same individual that can extend infinitely, always within the person's own culture and life experience, and may or may not include unknown genders. A pangender person may shift between identities over time or feel as though they have one all encompassing identity that is static/unchanging. Pangender is very expansive and unspecific, meaning that there are countless genders with no maximum limit. Being pangender is feeling an entire infinite gender spectrum that is possible for an individual to have. The pangender experience can go beyond the current knowledge of genders.SHAPPIC LESBIAN ♡Sapphic, sometimes known as woman loving woman (WLW), or sapphist, refers to a woman of any sexual orientation who is attracted to other women. Another definition is specifically inclusive of non-binary people.[1] It is an umbrella term for many identities, including those who are lesbian, pansexual, bisexual, or queer. It is used to promote solidarity among women of all identities who are attracted to other women. It may also be used as an identity, and may be found particularly useful for individuals who know they are attracted to women but may be uncertain if they are attracted to other genders. It can also be used to describe a relationship between two women.DEMIROMANTIC♡Demiromantic describes people who do not experience romantic attraction until they have formed a deep emotional connection with someone,[1][2] according to the most common definition.[2] Other definitions of this romantic orientation are only experiencing limited romantic attraction, or falling somewhere on a spectrum between aromantic and romantic; the latter definition overlaps with one for grayromantic.